Types of Facial Injuries Your Oral Surgeon Can Help Correct

Oral surgery is more than tooth extractions, implant surgery, and resolving impacted teeth. It also deals with facial trauma potentially affecting your ability to speak, eat, see, or breathe. Restoring these critical functions requires an exceptionally trained oral and maxillofacial surgeon to correct the aftermath of facial trauma. Here are common facial injuries your surgeons at Hill Country Oral Surgery can help rectify.

Jaw Fractures

Sports activities, auto accidents, and falls often lead to fractures in the lower jaw (mandible), the upper jaw (maxilla), or both. In most incidents, loosened, damaged, or knocked-out teeth accompany jaw fractures.

Hill Country Oral Surgery performs facial trauma surgery to stabilize the jaw and restore correct alignment. And since our surgeons specialize in replacing missing teeth and treating injured tooth sites, they are most qualified to address jaw-related injuries.

Cheekbone Fractures

Cheekbone fractures can result from violence, falling, sports injuries, or being in a car accident. Also called zygomatic bone injuries, these fractures might be easy to overlook. Usually, they don’t initially link with functional problems.

However, if not recognized and treated soon after trauma by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon, the facial injury can cause cosmetic and functional problems. With severe cheekbone injuries, oral surgery may be necessary to restore the bone to its original position and shape.

Nasal Fractures

The nose is a prominent facial feature and a frequent site of injury. Blunt-force trauma is usually the culprit. In fact, any solid blow on the face – whether from violence, a fall, an accident, or a sports activity – can result in a broken nose.

Oral surgery is not always the ideal solution for nasal fractures. However, if the nose is visibly crooked or you are having trouble breathing, oral and maxillofacial surgical intervention may be necessary.

Orbital Fractures

Violent blows to the face often fracture the eye socket. Sports activities and auto accidents are common causes.

Most orbital fractures affect the eye socket’s lower portion, where the bone is thinner. As with nasal injuries, oral surgery isn’t always necessary for eye injuries. But if there is eyeball displacement from the natural position or double vision, the patient will likely need surgical treatment.

Hill Country Oral Surgery surgeons have extensive training, certification, and experience at treating all types of facial fractures and injuries. We serve the greater Austin area with a full range of oral and maxillofacial services, including wisdom teeth extractions, dental implants, impacted canines, and pre-prosthetic surgery.

If you would like more information about facial trauma requiring oral surgery, call our Austin office at (512) 327-7233 to request a consultation.