Top 5 Things to Do while Recovering from Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common rites of passage for adults. It’s a simple procedure, although once your wisdom tooth has been removed, it is normal to feel some pain and discomfort. The removal of wisdom teeth is still a surgical procedure, and it’s essential that you follow your surgeon’s instructions for your recovery. Here are the 5 things you can do to make your wisdom tooth removal recovery successful.

1. Allot Substantial Time for Resting

Before your surgery, make you’ve set aside at least a couple of days for resting. If you live alone, you may want to have someone look after you while you heal. Take things slow during the recovery period. Keep your head elevated for the first day of recovery. You may also want to avoid exercising immediately after the procedure. You can begin performing strenuous workouts and weightlifting 5 days after your surgery.

2. Eat the Right Foods

Your surgeon will instruct you to only drink clear liquids and eat liquid food after your wisdom tooth extraction. You can gradually shift to soft solid food. Pudding and jello are good foods to eat during your recovery. It’s essential that you avoid spicy foods and using straws until your socket fully heals.

3. Rinse Mouth with Salt Water

You can brush your teeth normally after the surgery just avoiding the surgical sites. Once the bleeding stops you can use a salt water rinse to keep your mouth clean. You can use this salt water mixture several times a day, especially after eating. It helps with healing, reduces swelling and pain, and lowers the risk of infection.

4. Control Bleeding

You can control bleeding in the socket by using a gauze pad to apply a light pressure. If the bleeding is excessive, you can shift to using damped tea bags to control the bleeding. You can apply light pressure on the site by gently biting down.

5. Exercise Your Jaw

Opening your mouth after the surgery may feel uncomfortable. Your mouth could feel stiff. However, it’s important that you open your mouth every once in a while. Otherwise, the stiffness may turn permanent. For the first time you open your mouth after your tooth has been extracted, do it slowly and gently.

Learn More About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

If you have questions about wisdom tooth extraction, the highly-skilled medical staff of Hill Country Surgery will be glad to answer. Reach out to Hill Country Oral Surgery, and learn everything you need to know about this procedure.