Easy-to-Eat Meals After Oral Surgery

Although oral surgery can be a daunting experience, many patients find recovery just as tricky if they don’t know what foods to eat. You must stay away from foods that not only can affect the results, but also damage your teeth and gums.

For most oral surgeries — such as tooth extraction and wisdom teeth removal — you should be able to start reintroducing fibrous and crunchy foods back into your diet after one week. However, for procedures like removal of impacted teeth, you may have to eat soft and liquid foods for up to six weeks.  So, what foods should you be ready to prepare after your oral surgery? Here are a few we suggest, and some we say, “stay away.”

Foods We Suggest

Remember, your mouth will be sensitive and sore after oral surgery. Food like bread, although soft, is difficult to chew. You should pick foods that don’t require vigorous chewing or those that can become a choking hazard. These include the following.


Since broths and soups are creamy and smooth, you can consume them without irritating the areas of your dental work. These foods are full of vitamins, minerals, and more, so they provide your body with all the daily nutrients it needs throughout the day. They’re also full of water, which will keep your body hydrated as well.


A smoothie is a meal in itself. These provide excellent health benefits, but require no chewing. Smoothies may contain vegetables, fruits, protein powder, or yogurt, all healthy to aid your recovery.

Scrambled Eggs

Eggs are a good source of protein for any meal, and they’re easy to chew and swallow. Plus, once you can chew again, you can start preparing them differently, like hard-boiled or fried.

Mashed Potatoes

This source of starch and carbs is also soft and easy to swallow. It can give your body a boost of energy to help get you through the day. This food is excellent for eating right after surgery.


If you have a lot of swelling and inflammation, try eating small pieces of salmon. This meal has a lot of omega-3s and other healthy fats that encourage healing and reduce inflammation.


Probiotic-rich cheese can help speed the healing process. However, you need to shred it into thin pieces before eating.


This power food is chock-full of vitamins, potassium, and heart-healthy fats. You can add it to smoothies or other foods if you don’t like the taste.

Foods to Avoid

Now that you know what foods are suitable to eat after oral surgery, here are some to steer clear of:

  • Meats
  • Raw fruits and vegetables
  • Anything spicy
  • Bread
  • Candy
  • Nuts
  • Crackers

Don’t eat anything chewy, hard, sticky, or crunchy until your oral surgeon gives you permission to. These foods will slow the healing process and may cause severe discomfort.

If you need more information about what foods to eat after oral surgery or are concerned with your overall dental health, contact us today and schedule a checkup!