Is it Normal for Wisdom Teeth to Cause Discomfort?

Is it normal for wisdom teeth to cause discomfort? You would think that this question has a simple
answer, but unfortunately, it doesn’t. Yes, it can be normal for the wisdom teeth to feel uncomfortable.
Discomfort can also be a sign of a problem that requires attention.
If you’re unsure of the cause of your wisdom teeth discomfort, come in for a visit or see your dentist. If
you need wisdom tooth extraction, trust one of our skilled oral surgeons for your procedure. Reach out
to Hill Country Oral Surgery by phone at 512-327-7233 to schedule a consultation.

When Is Wisdom Tooth Discomfort Normal?

The wisdom teeth are the last teeth in the jaw to come in. They develop behind the final set of molars,
at the very back of the jaw. We usually see these teeth erupting between the ages of 17 to 25. When the
wisdom teeth come in, some patients experience discomfort. The area may become swollen and
sensitive as the tooth or teeth erupt through the gums. This discomfort is normal and will usually resolve
in a few days. Over-the-counter pain medication can be used to relieve symptoms as the teeth come in.
If you’re between the ages of 17 to 25 and are experiencing discomfort due to the eruption of wisdom
teeth, there is no reason to be concerned. Monitor your symptoms and contact us if they become
severe or don’t resolve as expected. If you have concerns, reach out.

Wisdom Tooth Pain and Problems- When to See Your Dentist

Since wisdom teeth are located so far back in the jaw and protrude later in life, they can cause crowding,
by pushing otherwise well-aligned teeth out of position. These third molars are prone to complications,
as they do not always descend straight through the soft tissue. See us if you experience:

 Shifting of other teeth due to wisdom tooth crowding
 Pain or discomfort in the area
 Inflammation of the surrounding gum tissues, which could signal an infection
 Pain when chewing or biting
 Jaw pain or difficulty opening the mouth
If your wisdom teeth are healthy and aren’t causing problems, you may be able to keep them. If
problems arise or will arise in the future, extraction is usually recommended. Removing wisdom teeth
before they are fully developed can reduce complications and risks. We find that patients have an easier
recovery when we remove wisdom teeth preemptively, as indicated, rather than waiting for
complications to develop.
A consultation with an oral surgeon is the best way to determine if wisdom teeth extraction is needed.

What Happens During Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

We want our patients to play an active role in creating their treatment plan for wisdom teeth extraction.
We will discuss surgery, sedation, and anesthesia options during your consultation as we create your
surgical plan.
Most patients will have all four wisdom teeth removed during a single surgical visit. Wisdom teeth
removal usually takes about an hour. Patients feel no pain, due to the use of a local anesthetic. The
techniques used for extraction vary, depending on the maturity of the tooth, the placement of the roots,
and location of nerves and sinuses. Our oral surgeons will use their extensive training and years of
experience to remove your wisdom teeth using the safest and most effective methods.
The most difficult part of wisdom tooth extract for many patients is recovery. We’ll provide detailed
recovery instructions and pain medication as needed. Most patients heal quickly and resume school,
work, and other activities in a few days.
Wisdom teeth don’t usually cause discomfort unless they are first coming in. If you’re experiencing
wisdom tooth pain, come into Hill Country Oral Surgery and find relief.